Welcome to Our Church

Through the grace of God and the commitment of the Catholic Community, we a parish devoted to imitating the life of Christ, as proclaimed in the Holy Gospels, offer a gathering place for worship, service, and fellowship for all.

As ambassadors for Christ, we serve the faithful, those who have strayed from the faith, and those who are not members of the faith community so that all may be reconciled to God.




There will be an informational meeting about the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA previously called RCIA) on July 15th at 6PM in the annex. Pizza and soda will be provided. If you plan to attend, please be sure to email Deacon Mark - mkomula@dioceseaj.org

“Let us become saints so that after having been together on earth, we may be together in Heaven.” – St. Pio of Pietrelcina

Padre Pio Pilgrimage

Join us as we make a pilgrimage to the National Center for Padre Pio in Barto, PA on Monday, August 19, 2024.

Enjoy the Peace, Tranquility and Healing at the Home of Padre Pio in America. The bus will depart from St. Peter’s Church in Somerset at 6AM, returning by 8PM. The cost is $75 per person, which includes bus fare, a guided tour, Mass, a reception following Mass, and a boxed lunch. The pilgrimage is planned on “Founder’s Day” and there will be more than 100 first class relics available for veneration. Those under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Please contact Deacon Mark for more information. Registration and payment are required before July 17, 2024. Please make checks payable to Deacon Mark Komula.

2024 Auction BBQ

1:30PM OUR DELICIOUS BBQ CHICKEN AND RIB DINNERS will be available throughout the day in the parish hall along with other picnic foods at the Refreshment Stand.
THE AUCTION is the most lucrative part of our annual event. There are several ways to donate either with a gift certificate, a new item, or a donation of cash for us to purchase larger items. There is a need for major items, gift certificates for retailers and restaurants, sports items, professional services, game tickets, and memorabilia.
CHANCE TICKETS: You should have received your chances in the mail. Returns should be made to the rectory via mail or the collection. 1st prize: $500 cash, 2nd prize: Queen size quilt, 3rd prize: $300 cash, 4th prize: $150 cash. Please buy or sell your chances.
ICE CREAM BOOTH & BAKE SALE: We are in need of your best baked goods for the sale. USED BOOK SALE: It’s time to start gathering up your “good condition” used books. NO encyclopedias, magazines, or books in musty, old or poor condition. Books may be dropped off starting the first week of June.
VOLUNTEER WORKERS ARE NEEDED FOR ALL THE ABOVE! A high level of parishioner participation will insure the success of this important annual event. Please consider how you can contribute and please call to volunteer today. Your patronage and volunteer efforts are appreciated.

Choosing Godparents for Baptism

In light of last week’s Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord, here is the description of the role of Godparent for the Sacrament of Baptism. This is a review of the guidelines established by the Catholic Church concerning Godparent eligibility. These regulations should be considered before the parents of a child ask someone to be a Godparent for their son or daughter:  

·         The decision as to who should be a Godparent should be based upon who would provide the best example of Catholic living for the child and not merely for reasons of maintaining family harmony. A Godparent is chosen not primarily to honor the Godparent, but for the wellbeing and faith development of the child.  


·         In order to be a Godparent for Baptism, an individual must be a practicing Catholic, at least 16 years of age and have received the Sacraments of Initiation (i.e. Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation). 'Furthermore, if this person is married, then the marriage must be a valid, sacramental marriage (i.e. one recognized and blessed by the Catholic Church).  


·         The potential Godparent must be registered in a Catholic parish and able to obtain from his or her parish priest a letter of eligibility to be a Godparent. Only one Godparent is required by Church law. This Godparent may be a man or a woman. However, if two Godparents are selected (the more common practice), then there must be one man and one woman chosen. In other words, a child cannot have two men or two women as Godparents.  


·         In extraordinary situations when two Catholic Godparents cannot be found, then a baptized person who belongs to another Christian denomination (e.g. Methodist, Lutheran, or Presbyterian) may serve as a Christian Witness. However, former Catholics who have left the Catholic Church for another Christian denomination are not permitted to serve as Christian Witnesses.  


Since Baptism is the initial, foundational Sacrament in the life of a Catholic, great care must be taken in deciding who will serve as a Godparent. The guidelines above are meant to assist parents in making a reasonable and secure decision as to who will fulfill this critical role for their child. Since they are provided by the universal Church and individual priests are not vested with the authority to dispense from them, these guidelines will be strictly followed at St. Peters Church.



Sunday Masses

Saturday: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:15 pm

Weekday & Holy Day Masses

As announced in the bulletin.


Saturday 2:45 pm
Anytime upon request.
Additional times during Advent & Lent.