Welcome to Our Church

Through the grace of God and the commitment of the Catholic Community, we a parish devoted to imitating the life of Christ, as proclaimed in the Holy Gospels, offer a gathering place for worship, service, and fellowship for all.

As ambassadors for Christ, we serve the faithful, those who have strayed from the faith, and those who are not members of the faith community so that all may be reconciled to God.


2025 Parish Mardi Gras Celebration

St. Peter's is celebrating Mardi Gras with a potluck style dinner and gathering! Saturday, March 1st 5PM – 9PM in the Parish Hall. Please share food items based on your last name: A – I -- Main Dishes/Casseroles J – Q -- Side Dishes/Salads R – Z – Desserts and B.Y.O.B.! $5.00 per adult Tickets available after Masses on February 9th & 16th


Padre Pio Relic Tour

The Catholic Daughters of America, Court of Roses #2766 will be hosting the Padre Pio Relic Tour. The relics will be at St. Peter’s Church, March 11th - 12th starting at 11AM, for prayers, veneration, and Divine Mercy. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be said each evening at 7PM. The Mission of the National Centre for Padre Pio is to lead souls to God through the example of Padre Pio.

St. Peter School 2025-2026 Registration

St. Peter School is now accepting applications for enrollment in grades K-6 for the 2025-2026 school year. Registration Applications are available at the school or on the school website. The Registration Application form, a birth certificate, baptismal certificates (if any), and immunization records are required for the application process, and enrollments will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students entering Kindergarten in the fall of 2025 must be five years old by Aug. 31st, 2025. If you or someone you know would like to know more about the gift of Catholic education, please call the school today to arrange a visit.

St. Peter's Children Choir

St. Peter's Choir Director, Jason June, and Director of Religious Education, Prudence Shaulis, are excited to continue the St. Peter's Children's Choir! If any NEW OR RETURNING child (ages 6 and up) would like to join, practices will begin on February 5th from 6:00PM-6:30PM. We will be practicing preparing to sing at Palm Sunday Vigil Mass on April 19th at 4:00PM.

The choir is open to ALL children from our parish including school, CCD and homeschool students. If your child is interested, please email Mrs. Shaulis directly at pshaulis@dioceseaj.org.

This is a wonderful activity meant to empower our young Catholics to find a way to welcome God into their hearts, minds, and lives through singing!



Sunday Masses

Saturday: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:15 pm

Weekday & Holy Day Masses

As announced in the bulletin.


Saturday 2:45 pm
Anytime upon request.
Additional times during Advent & Lent.