Welcome to Our Church

Through the grace of God and the commitment of the Catholic Community, we a parish devoted to imitating the life of Christ, as proclaimed in the Holy Gospels, offer a gathering place for worship, service, and fellowship for all.

As ambassadors for Christ, we serve the faithful, those who have strayed from the faith, and those who are not members of the faith community so that all may be reconciled to God.


Catholic Daughters Collection

During the month of November, the Catholic Daughters will be collecting toiletries, fleece throws, and word searches to be donated to local nursing homes and charity organizations. The CDA’s purpose is to serve God, church and country, while also making friends, growing personally and creating change. CDA members donate to charities, administer scholarship programs and help those in need.

All Saints & All Souls Day

ALL SAINTS DAY falls on a Friday this year. Masses will be on Thursday Evening at 4:15PM & Friday at 7AM, 11:15AM & 7PM. ALL SOULS DAY is on Saturday November 2nd. Masses will be celebrated at 7AM and 4PM. All are encouraged to attend Mass to pray for our beloved dead. November begins with these beautiful celebrations and throughout the entire month we remember all the faithful departed (all souls being purified in purgatory), including the deceased members of our families. There is an envelope in your packet to list your deceased loved ones for All Souls Day. Envelopes may be placed in the offertory collection and turned in by October 31st.“Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.” 


2024 Holiday Bazaar

ST. PETER’S ANNUAL HOLIDAY BAZAAR On Saturday, November 9th from 1PM - 6PM & Sunday November 10th from 9AM - 2PM, our parish hall will be transformed into a basket wonderland with hopefully over 100 theme baskets. Now is a great time to pick a theme and begin to construct it. Baskets should have a retail of at least $25. Please cover your basket with clear cellophane so items are visible, attach a card with a list of contents and drop it off at the rectory by November 6th. We are also in need of baked goods to sell. Drop off to the hall after 12PM on Saturday and 8AM on Sunday. Please call the rectory, 814-443-6574 if you are able to volunteer. CCD & Confirmation students can earn service hours by volunteering. Please help and do your part to make this event a great success!

Join the St. Peter's Children's Choir!

Join the St. Peter's Children's Choir! Jason June, our choir director, and Prudence Shaulis, our CCD director, are excited to announce the St. Peter's Children's Choir! All children from our parish (ages 6 and up) are welcome to join. Please reach out to Jason at jasone.june@gmail.com or Prudence at pshaulis@dioceseaj.org for the link to sign-up or any questions. We want to empower our young Catholics to find a way to welcome God into their hearts, minds, and lives through singing!  Thank you and we look forward to welcoming and working with the St. Peter's Church kids!



Sunday Masses

Saturday: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:15 pm

Weekday & Holy Day Masses

As announced in the bulletin.


Saturday 2:45 pm
Anytime upon request.
Additional times during Advent & Lent.